Players / PCs
- Jeff Faller / Brother Lothar
- Ray Holding / Elsbeth
- Jeff Koch / Kirill Andrayson
- Heather Koch / Selah
- Paul Reinwald / Durvil Otterson
- Ed Auran / Ixilplix "Ix" Windrunner
- DM: Wes Robinson
We start where we left off last time, with the group attempting an early morning ambush of the bandit camp. Our cover is blown though as a bandit out relieving himself spots Durvil and his horse "sneaking" through the bushes to get into position. A yell awakens the camp.
Groggy bandits come pouring out of tents to join the fray. Blows are traded back an forth but the heroes win the day. Not without cost though... Brother Lothar nearly joins Cayden Caileen in the great bar in the sky...but Selah pulls him back with her healing magic. She also ends up administering to the majority of the group. Seems nearly everyone took a bit of a bashing.
All the same, the majority of the bandits are vanquished while the remainder are taken prisoner. But they eventually rue that decision...
Loot is phat for the effort, but Svetlana's wedding band is nowhere to be found. After questioning the remaining bandits it turns out that a group of mites attacked the camp a few days back and took a bunch of treasure away to their sycamore tree, 12 miles to the south of the camp.
A few other nuggets of information are gleaned from our talkative survivors:
- The bandits pay tribute to the Stag Lord, who by all accounts is a mountain of a man. (Brother Lothar has absconded w/ 6 bottles of his "green liquor")
- The Stag Lord is also a drunk.
- Their camp is located NE of the Tusk Water.
- The password (last time anyone checked that is...) was "By the bloody bones of St. Golmorg, who wants to know?"
Owlbears are what are called "Apex Hunters", meaning that they are top of the food chain, and generally clear out an area and call it home. There's a reason they're the top too. All fur and feathers, beak and claws, the monster proves too much and the party retreats.
All told, 5 horses and 4 prisoners are lost. This thing was HUNGRY! (Oh, and did I mention PISSED?) Twitch and Minion are the sole survivors.
Exhausted, the group finishes the journey the next day and finds themselves at Oleg's Trading Post, just as a cadre of soldiers arrive. Seems that the plea for reinforcments has not fallen on deaf ears. 4 of the soldiers, including an engineer named Gregor, are to stay on permanently.
A priest of Erastul has also traveled with the soldiers with the intent to make Oleg's his home as well. His name is J'Hod Kafkin and he's willing to trade his services for ours...He's searching for a lost temple of Erastul located somewhere in the Greenbelt. The only thing known about the temple is that it has a guardian that was supposedly set to keep intruders at bay. An herbalist and healer, his services will be a welcome addition. No offense Selah.
And that's where we ended it. The soldiers leave on the 10th of Pharast, and we'll pick it up on the 11th of Pharast.
- 321 sp
- 90 gp
- Silver Earrings 150 gp
- Wooden Music Box 90 gp
- Polished wooden box w/ 6 (now 4) bottles of the Stag Lord's Green Liquor (very tasty)
- Krestle's masterwork handaxes
- Studded leather armor
- potion w/ healing properties
- 4 daggers
- 115 gp
- Masterwork chain shirt
- leather armor x 8
- long bows x 8
- 156 arrows
- 8 short swords
- 80 gp
- 64 days of hard tack
- 4 horses
- 1 mule (Brother Lothar has named him Cayden's Ass)
- 1 cart
Funny nugget:
Kirill "Why do you insist on calling me a barbarian."
Durvil "Because you wear rabbits as armor!"