Tuesday, October 5th.
We had a full house last time. That I do remember. Anyway to paraphrase:
The group decided that we ought to head on out and start actually exploring the land, that IS after all the charter we've been given.
The night of Pharast the 10th, we hear the soldiers talking around the campfire and they're speaking of some kind of local rumor about a ghost named Davik Nettles who haunts the bridge over the River Shrike. We'll need to remember that I suppose.
There were some issues w/ the green liquor that Brother Lothar appropriated from the bandits. Seems that it's rather addictive and that drinking causes one to ... well, drink more. And next thing you know, Whamo! it's all gone. Which of course makes Brother Lothar's head hurt... For days.
After stocking up on rations (10 days I think?), we took a few extra horses and my faithful companion, Cayden's Ass, and headed south, hoping to get some serious exploration in.
First off we decided that we might as well get some coin in the process. So we'd be looking for the Moon Radishes while we explored this specific region. Turns out that a greedy little group of kobolds also like radishes. And by the time we arrived (Day 6 of travels), they'd finished off nearly a whole meadow of them!
Naturally a fight breaks out and we prevail...but leave one (or more?) for questioning. Turns out Sootscales is a "king" of kobolds and he LOVES these radishes. And if he was to find out that this particular kobold, named NitPick has eaten these then there'd be serious trouble. It's decided then that we'll accompany NitPick back and come up w/ a plan on the way.
On the way we run into a monstrously massive creature who claims to have the gift of prophesy. By way of disemboweling itself and reading the entrails!!! Here's what we found out:
- He waits in the fort who rules the Stag
- Betrayal will come from one you least expect
- Rule will not go as smoothly as you planned
All this for delivering a "cow" in a fortnight. Not a bad deal I suppose.
By day 9 we'd reached some rough country and this is where NitPick tells us the clan is hold out. Now we'd already killed a good percentage of the clan's warriors but fighting in those tight conditions appealed to nobody. So we came up w/ the plan that NitPick ought to be king. And that we'd champion him in the contest. (Well, that would be Kiril of course.) Once he's king, the kobolds will be our allies...and I use that term loosely.
On the outside of this cleft in the rock is an old sign declaring this to be "Silver-top mine". Interesting...and hanging on the other side opposite that, is a cage w/ a desiccated mite within. Seems that the mites and kobolds have a "relationship"...sorta. But the mites, who "work" for the kobolds also are a bit willful. We have to pay them a visit anyway, so we'll be doing NitPick a favor.
There was one hitch in our plans though, a shaman by the name of Tartuk. But luck was on our side and as it turns out, the Mites have stolen the clan's totem. We return that and Tartuk will back us as well! How can we lose? (Heh.)
NOTE: We're going to ask the kobolds to mine for us.
We take NitPick and NatPick, his brother, with us in order to guide us directly to the sycamore tree and the mites. Now if you've done the math, you've figured out that we're out of rations. It's now day 10, we've made it to the tree, but we've run out of food. Uh oh.
That's where we stopped.
Experience: 258
Interesting quote:
Durvil: "Savages must be dealt with as savages..."
Kiril: "Why are you looking at me?"