Sometimes you get what you hope for...and sometimes it's not what you had hoped for. Heh.
We had hoped to find Romando when we visited the Horse's Whistle, and sure enough, we found him. Drunk. And in debt.
Alonzo (a pirate by all respects) and his three toughs were busy collecting his debt from Romando when we arrived and this is where the fun began. Cajoling, bluffing, threatening, it all led to...Bet you think I'm going to say "a fight", right? Well, if you consider getting entangled by a mass of web a fight, then sure, it was a fight. But really, we didn't do a whole lot. Ix was the champion of the day, again. Sorry Durvil.
Turns out that Romando had gambled away his string of 20 horses while drinking like a fish. Here's a tip from a professional, unless you know what you're doing, don't drink when there's something to lose. Because guess what? You'll lose. And Romando was more than drunk, he was comatose. Granted, he was still blubbering away about whatever crossed his mind...but he had checked out.
Horst, the owner, turned out to be happy that our little confrontation didn't level his "fine" establishment. And in fact, if you think about it, we were about as benevolent as could be to Alonzo and his scurvy crew. I will admit, he DID win the horses fair and square, so we paid him, 150 gold and now we're the proud owners of a some horse flesh. And you can thank Selah for that I suppose.
Translating this to Romando was neigh impossible of course. So we took him upstairs and put him to bed, while a few of the others stayed downstairs and bought the remaining patrons drinks, in way of apologizing for the disturbance. But after a bit, we were able to get a wee bit of useful information from the drunken lout. Mainly the location of Senzer Rul Kep.
Waiting for the next day, we took off en masse for Senzer's establishment at first light and entered the tiny establishment hoping to speak to the proprietor. All we were looking for was information on what was sent to Durvil's cousin on Azlant Ridge...and maybe to obtain a bit of the same stuff ourselves. We WERE heading into the deepest, darkest portion of the jungle after all, and as everybody knows, it's just not safe.
But it turns out that we weren't alone in the shop. Three gentlemen were also perusing the wares as we spoke w/ Senzer. And his silently mouthing "Help Me" tipped us off. These weren't gentlemen after all! They were villains, or better known as "Snakes", members of the Asp Consortium. I think I've mentioned them previously...quite nasty individuals actually.
Well we couldn't very well leave the poor man w/ these unsavory sorts. We put them to sleep and dealt with them summarily. Trying to get rid of the bodies was a little difficult but Durvil's quick thinking saved the day. He heisted that obnoxious fruit vendor's cart! Huzzah! And off we went. Our cargo consisted of three bodies.
Ah but I get ahead of myself. Turns out that Senzer has given up the potion business and has gone into drugs. Yes, that's right. But fear not, he has done it for all the right reasons. If there is such a thing. See, his son Rold is sick, and a despicable drug lord name of Lura has been ransoming the boy's continued health for Senzer's agreement to produce drugs. Yes, she's got the cure and is using it as blackmail. Horrid stuff and quite worth a visit from someone armed with intent...to kill. Forgive me Selah, but this kind of thing fires my blood and needs to be dealt with in the harshest terms available.
And I just happen to know someone who's more than adequately trained for such endeavors, one Elsbeth.
A hive of villainy and scum known as the Sanguine Pit is where Lura headquarters out of, so half of us head there (actually just Elsbeth and I) to look for any glaring holes in security. While the rest head to House Cartehgn.
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