Monday, March 7, 2011

Into the Steaming Jungles

The jungles of Chult and Amedio have nothing on the sweltering, fetid, jade-tinted mass that threatens to consume Bloodcove. Oppressive heat, mind-withering humidity and creepy crawlies that seem to be nearly everywhere. Almost as prevalent as the hawkers and vendors that line the thoroughfares and byways of the city built in the banyans. And the noise...Apparently it takes a lot of noise to move the wheels of commerce.

The reason for being here is above reproach; A family member in need might seem trivial, but when you're talking about the Otterson family, well, loyalty runs deep. Or so "they" say. It might be that, or the fact that this archeological find, in the deep jungle, has the potential to bring the shine back to the slightly tarnished family name. Yes, that might be the reason. All it takes is finding the right people and getting a bit of guidance in a place that's as dangerous as a pit of vipers. Sounds like a cinch.

Durvil's sister(?) is in the uplands of the NW Garundi coast and is need of some rescuing apparently. Someone, or something, named Charua-Ka (Silverback King) has been harrying her and she's unable to get out. And of course this "find" of hers seems to be quite important to Durvil and his family, we think.

With only three names to go on, House Cartehegn (a trading cartel), Romando Scevola, a caravan driver, and Rul Kep, a potions dealer, we don't have much of a lead. It's enough we hope. But we've got to be careful, this place is dangerous, and not because of the strange jungle wild-life that clings to the bottom of the boardwalks, or in the tops of trees...No, the Aspis Consortium is the alpha predator here.

A gang by any other measure, this group of thugs boldly walks about the market places and takes what they want through force of arms. Nobody resists of course, to do so would mean death. And I'll have to admit, even though they're a frightening bunch, the crime rate seems to be fairly low. Or maybe that's the thin veneer of civility.

Durvil took matters well into hand when we arrived and procured a street urchin's services. One young entrepreneur, name of Jessup, was our guide in this maze of chaos and hidden danger.

We decided to bunk up at the "hurling man" or better known as Gordson's Bender, while our horses were being taken care of by a friend of Jessup's. And in only a day and a half we've found Romando's guild, called the Horse's Whistle, as well as where House Cartehegn is located as well. The missing piece of course is the potion's dealer, Rul Kep.

Our mission continues...I think that soon we will be hiking into this stinking jungle on our way to find Durvil's relative-in-need. I wonder if his family name is actually worth the effort?

More soon.

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